Opening A Box of Magick

The weekend began with an interview with Laylla and Chelle on the Back on the Broomstick podcast. After our engaging conversation I had tons of empowered energy to finish an application for Hedgebrook, a global women writers' residency on Whidbey Island (off Seattle) for my novel, River Beneath the River, that explores ancestral healing via the mother daughter wound through seven generations of my matriarchal line who all have lived by the same river for more than 200 years. This story based in Orange County, California, will also explore terrapsychology, or the soul of place, as the Santa Anna River will narrate with me.

I have applied for this residency on and off for 15 years. I actually don't know how long. But I felt into that power of longevity with fellow witches who have been living loud and proud since the 1990s despite the challenges of living on the skinny branches.

Then! I packed my shit and went camping by a mountain lake to attend the Jamfest - a happy hippie music festival with my friends. That night a rain storm came in and the fly for my tent was not one, because it doesn't fit. But as the fat raindrops fell around 3am, I lashed the fly down despite the wind and turned my bed sideways while pockets of my tent got soaked. I was beat to hell, but thought of my deeply supportive community, pulled the card Perseverance from my Ganesha deck, and allowed the hope of the rainbows to rejuvenate me. 

I dried my gear in bright sunshine between crazy bursts of thunderstorms - which was so uncannily similar to the opening scene of the novel I am writing. Oh, how ironic the Universe can be. I wrote in my journal while the storm raged on. Then when the rainbows came out (three times that morning), I packed up my entire site and headed to the June Lake Jamfest to meet up with new friends, a group of empowered Queens, Goddesses of my age who have been doing the hard work of personal transformation. These new friends celebrated and videotaped me opening A Box of Magick. We couldn't help draw a crowd and immediately people on both sides of our setup bought a book. 

This book radiates light and shines so bright, I hope everyone truly loves it. A BOX OF MAGIC: A Guided Journey to Crafting a Magickal Life through Witchcraft, Ritual Herbalism, and Spellcrafting available through your favorite bookseller.

The universe definitely conspired in my favor this weekend. I hope you were equally in the flow. Blessed be, dear ones.


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