Virgo Full Moon Ritual

The Goddess as the Virgin is the symbol of Virgo. This representation of the Goddess is not simply someone who has never had sex before, but a woman who is her own sovereign nation, independent. This aspect of the Divine Feminine is beholden to no one but herself. She knows her worth, value and purity of action and intention, and she wants you to embrace these healing gifts for yourself.

On January 24 at the full moon will be in the sign of Virgo at 4:30am PT. Intention: To heal and transform

Preparation:  Gather a green or white candle, lavender to symbolize the purity and healing quality of Virgo energy, crystals such as clear quartz for clarity and organization; amethyst for emotional support and balance; carnelian for motivation and self-confidence, or amazonite for soothing anxiety and enhancing communication, and any other symbols of purity and healing. 

Ritual Steps:

1. Begin by grounding yourself and connecting with the energy of the earth. Take a few deep breaths and visualize roots growing from your feet deep into the earth, anchoring you in its stability.

2. Light the candle(s) to honor the energy of healing and transformation associated with Virgo. As you do so, feel the calming and nurturing energy of the candles surrounding you.

3. Take a moment to reflect on areas of your life where you seek healing or transformation. Consider what habits, patterns, or emotions you are ready to release and what new energies you wish to invite in.

4. Hold your crystal(s) in your hand, close your eyes and visualize the crystal's soothing energy washing over you, bringing clarity, balance, and healing to your mind, body, and spirit. Smell your lavender

5. Write down on a piece of paper what you wish to heal and purify with the help of your guides and the Great Spirit. Include the steps that you can take and/or the necessary transformation of your thoughts so that you can step into a new chapter of your life filled with a bold sense of self-worth, health, and joy.

6. Offer gratitude to the moon, the earth, and any spiritual beings you called upon to assist you in this ritual.  Close your circle.

7. Place your hands on the earth to help you reconnect with the physical world. May the energy of the full moon in Virgo guide you on a path of healing, transformation, and self-discovery. Blessed be!

The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. That's one Sidereal Month, which gives us ample opportunity to experience how the sign that the moon is in affects ourselves and those around us. 

From the book, The Moon in All Signs, the excerpt below is a depiction of the lunar energy when it is being influenced by VIRGO: The party is over. Eyelashes are on the table. This is a time for cleaning up after all the merrymakers have gone home. People are now concerned with sobering up and getting personal affairs straight, clearing up any confusions or undefined feelings from the night before, and generally attending to the practical business of doctoring up after the party. People are back at work, concerned with necessary, perhaps tedious tasks - paying bills, fixing and adjusting things and generally purifying their lives, streamlining their affairs and involving themselves with work and service to the community. Purity is the key word in personal habits, diet and emotional needs. Propriety and coolness take the place of yesterday's devil may care passion, and the results are a detached, inhibited period for the Moon. Feelings are not omitted; they are merely subjected to the scrutiny of the mind, and thus purified. 


Pisces New Moon Ritual


Healing Ourselves